We are currently accepting all genres of fiction, nonfiction and poetry, but if none of those forms suit your style, then we’re willing to make a case-by-case exception. HOWEVER! Every submission has to adhere to the following rules...
Do not include material that plays into or reinforces stereotypes, stigma, or harmful misinformation. (Ex: Claiming that vaccines cause Autism)
No explicit or graphic depictions of violence. If a story involves any form of it, then focus on how the experience played a role in mental health, not the action itself. If the action needs to be referenced, then reference it as minimally as possible. While we’re all about free expression, there’s a line between a story with a heavy topic and violence for the sake of violence.
Do not include any stories that suggest religion as a viable treatment / solution / cure for mental health struggles.
NOTE: Any writers that violate these rules will be rejected and not considered for further issues.
Submission Guidelines
Fiction and Nonfiction: 5,000 words maximum
Poetry: 4 submissions
Others Forms: Please contact for further details; all other forms are very welcome!
Format: Docs and Docx are preferable, PDF is also acceptable
A bio is optional, but we ask that you include content warnings for heavier topics
If a submission is accepted, then we may ask for a small 100–150-word bio for the journal
Simultaneous Submissions are welcomed!
If your submission is accepted, the rights revert to the author after publication
After submitting, you will receive a confirmation email.